
Ahhh...the customary patient testimonial page .....oft times stirring, occasionally poignant but definitely replete with novel spellings of my name.

Many doctors would argue that patient satisfaction represents the ultimate evaluation of treatment. I suspect that the truth is far more complex than this. Patient insight into what constitutes a good outcome for a given treatment is frequently the governing force in patient expectation. Effective communication is key. I hope patients and their families take assurance in the treatment explanations and case examples on the website. Nonetheless, it's nice to see some personalised feedback on the care I provide. I generally try to veer away from photos with smiling patients (except the one instance below where the photo was emblazoned across the front of the thank you card). Internet content in all likelihood will endure (seeing as the systemwide Y2K shutdown at the advent of the new millenium didn't materialise). I privately feel that most patients don't want to be remembered for posterity years down the line as the child with the bent leg/foot that Dr Qureshi fixed. After all, if I am concerned about how patient's transition to adulthood with respect to musculoskeletal function, future-proofing their dignity should also be a consideration.

Below are photos of cards I have received from patients alongside the inscriptions within and reference to the treated condition.

"Dear Mr Qureshi, Thank you for all your help. Means I can play football again now." - Foot surgery
"To Mr Qureshi, Thank you for putting my magic trousers on." - Single stage hip reconstruction for late presenting hip dislocation due to developmental hip dysplasia. The magic trousers are a refernce to the hip spica the patient was in for 6 weeks. I must confess I have never seen as much glitter being applied to a plaster cast.
"To Dr Qureshi. Thank you for everything you have done and for also doing the surgery." - Planovalgus foot reconstruction in an adolescent patient. 
"To dr Qureshi. thank you for fixing my arm. you are amasing." - surgery late presenting elbow fracture.
"Dear doctor creashe thank you for being the best doctor ever thank you for taking care of me I love you" - correction of relapsed clubfoot in a 4 year old and perhaps the most inventive spelling of my name thusfar.
"just to say a massive thank you for all you have done. The time and effort you put into this operation was simply amazing - we are so grateful! There is no other doctor we could've asked for to do this for us so thanks a million." - Single stage hip reconstruction for late presenting hip dislocation due to developmental hip dysplasia.
"To Mr Qureshi's Team, We can't thank you enough for the wonders you have performed with henry's leg. You are all truly wonderful and you have cared for us as a whole family. We truly feel like VIP's! It's people like you all that make a difference every day and make the NHS great. Thank you again. God bless you all."- Revision fixation for femoral fracture. 
"Mr Qureshi, Thank you for everything you have done for us and .....! We hope you enjoy your break, we will always appreciate everything you've done." - asymmetric atypical clubfoot treated with serial casting and surgery
"To Mr Qureshi. Thank you." - single stage hip reconstruction for hip dislocation.
"Mr Qureshi. Just wanted to say I'm unbelievably grateful for what you have done for me. I'm sorry I haven't shown my appreciation sooner. My new foot is amazing and I'm amazed with how it's improved my mobility already. Huge thanks, you're amazing." - cavovarus foot reconstruction.
Seeing as the card was specifically manufactured using an improptu photo taken in the waiting room accompanied by typed text.....I probably don't need to transcribe the inscription here - circular frame treatment for open tibial fracture.